
Scout's honor

When I was a kid, I wasn't interested in Girl Scouts in the least....around 5th grade, I switched schools and it seemed like all of the girls were involved, so I went with it...I went to a few meetings, and it was ok....but when I realized that they didn't serve girl scout cookies at the meetings and that they did things like CAMP and hang out outdoors...heh, I was out of there!
However, in college I developed a love of all things scout kitch...girl scout/boy scout/cub scout badges, handbooks...you name it.  I have a little shrine set up on one of our bedroom shelves paying homage to all things scout.  This summer, I came across some wood plaques with animal faces on them that looked like some type of award.  A little research and it turned out they were boy scout plaques from the 1960's.  I was in love!!!  I paid a little more than I should have, but I wanted to keep all three together- they had made it this far as a trio, who was I to split them up?!

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