
All the deets.....


Amanda Conley said...

Thanks for the heads up about the times. This is my fifth Walden market, and we have never ended as early as 4 on Saturday, and we had talked about staying open later because it will be light out longer and people tend to shop later. I'm going to see Alison today so I'll ask her about it.
Your flyer looks fabulous and I really love it! I'll definitely use it and I hope you can keep making them for the Market every month!!

Amanda Conley said...

Hi there! I just talked to Alison and it seems you're right. She cut back the hours because of vendors who needed to leave early were disrupting the rest of us as they tore down. So now we're all leaving early! Boo! So, just wanted to let you know. I'll change the times on my blog.

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