
my feline...

if you've ever read this blog, you probably know that i love my cat...a little too much. in our house, he is treated as most people treat their dog...he gets to go on little car rides with us..i give him neckwear, and in general he pretty much rules our house. so today, when i saw this hat that i actually freaked out about...it wasn't for myself - my first thought was, "this would look amazing on lil' buddy!"...yep, i want a hat for my cat. he will wear it and stand on his back legs and clap cymbals like a little circus monkey..it will be amazing! agree?

it can also be yours for $15!

1 comment:

the orange bicycle said...

agree!!!! mwah ah ah ah ah ah. he will be a circus monkey, dammit. HE WILL!!!

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