
Shona Cowart of LALA dex press home tour

I was so excited when I saw our fellow Nashville area artist (and friend) Shona on DesignSponge this morning!!! I'm trying to remember how I know Shona, and I seem to think that we actually met at a thrift store..is that possible?? Surely I met her elsewhere first but would just run into her often at the thrift store when we would both be on our lunch breaks??

Either way, her house was one of the sneak peeks into artists and designers homes that are always awesome to look into...maybe I'm a little voyeur!! Here are some photos of her home via Design Sponge! For more photos as well as Shona's descriptions and links to artists artwork hanging on her walls, click here. Hooray Shona!


1 comment:

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

Thank you for putting this on your blog. AND I have found a couple of the same brass owls that you have in your banner photo at the Goodwill outlet, but I pass them onto my friend who collects them.

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