
Update from April!

We are graced today with a progress report from April in Denver! A few months ago I put together some suggestions for her her office redo and I'm so happy to report that it is coming along nicely!  She shared a few photos with us to see her progress!

To refresh our  memories, here are some before pics and a little history.
The former owners used this room as a nursery and painted the walls and a little quote above the window (ack).  April was interested in painting the walls peacock blue and decorating with her vintage paint-by-numbers.  She also needed storage for work files, a work station for her boyfriend (who also lives there), and a small couch or futon for visiting guests (like me!!).
(Before below) 

Proposed view from doorway below:

I suggested placing the couch under the window above, since this is the wall visible from the hallway, and placing the two desks on the other wall.


And now, April's new wall color and red ikea bookshelf, also included in this photo is the filing cabinet she plans to paint to match!


April found the ikea bookshelf already assembled on Craigslist, and was able to find a filing cabinet for $12!

 Close up inside the shelves:

 (before view of April's desk and closet)



After - double desks with a shared printing station!

April still has a few projects to go, such as this awesome frame she found for a song.  She plans on painting the inside with magnetic and chalkboard paint which will come in handy in an office!

April said, "I'm about 40% of the way there. The 40% includes getting the room painted, desks in and set up, curtains up, bookcase in and full, frames bought, and it's functional. The other 60%... boy, it's going to be a bit more work."

Also on the list of to do's:  several vintage frames she plans on painting for artwork and photos, ikea fabric that she plans to sew into curtains, a couch for under the window and a chair for Jeremy, her boyfriend.

Looks to me that April is off to a great start, keep us updated April!!

1 comment:

April P. said...

I don't know if the pictures aren't showing up for me or for everyone, so in case you can't see them, click below to see the office in progress.

Thanks, Carolyn!


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